The Quantum Law Project at Lund University’s Faculty of Law is the first research project dedicated specifically to the study of the legal implications of quantum computing. The project is funded by the Wallenberg Foundations’ ‘Initiative for Humanistic and Social Scientific Research in AI and Autonomous Systems’ (WASP-HS). In the course of this 10-year initiative, the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation and the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation will invest 660 million SEK into research projects that study the ethical, economic, labour market, social and legal aspects of the ongoing technological transformation of society.
The Team
Team Members

Affiliated Researchers

Scientific Advisor

Jordi Mur-Petit
Tecniospring Industry Fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Universitat de Barcelona
Quantum and Computer Science Advisor
- Jeffery Atik & Julian Nowag, Quantum Antitrust, (2022) Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2022-09
- Jeffery Atik, Quantum computing and the legal imagination, (2022) 18 SciTech Lawyer 12
- Valentin Jeutner, ‘The Quantum Imperative: Legal Dimensions of Quantum Computing‘, (2021) 1(1) Morals & Machines 52-59
- Jeffery Atik & Valentin Jeutner, ‘Quantum Computing and Computational Law‘, (2021) 3 Law, Innovation and Technology
- Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, Timo Minssen et al, ‘Lost on the High Seas without a Safe Harbor or a Shield? Navigating Cross-Border Data Transfers in the Pharmaceutical Sector After Schrems II Invalidation of the EU-US Privacy Shield‘ (2020) 4(3) European Pharmaceutical Law Review 153-160